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Processing our Fresh Beeswax

There you have it folks! A sneak peek at the process of our wax cleansing after it comes home fresh from the hive.  We utilize beeswax in our natural skin care, our Herbal Remedies, our eco friendly candles and I even use bits of wax through the process of bringing our wholistic mala necklaces to life. At Earth and Soul Collections we honour a deep respect for the bee community and are excited to get to know a few hives of our own next year!

Step 1: Collect the fresh beeswax in a large pot

Step 2: Melt down wax

Step 3: Strain the Bee’s wax to remove any impurities. We use a metal strainer and lightly heat it up before pouring the wax through to avoid the wax from hardening in the strainer due to temperature change. Be sure to have a pot under neither the strainer so that you can put your wax back into the heat if needed.

Step 4: Observe its beauty

Step 5: Your wax is now ready for use! We poured ours into a silicon mould to cool.

Step 6: Here is the wax fully cooled and ready for storage. We will use pieces of it as needed for our beeswax candles, skin care, medicine making and even when bringing to life or Meditative Mala’s.

Thanks for checking out the process! Swing by our online store to see what hand crafted beeswax products are available